mercredi 13 juin 2012

Together Respecting Elders

On June 14, from 1:00 to 4:30 pm.

Join us for an afternoon of activities, entertainment and refreshments in recognition of  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2012.

Salle communautaire Galeries du Parc
3575 Ave du Parc (corner Prince-Arthur)
Metro Place-des-Arts / Bus 80
Wheelchair Entrance (3590 Jeanne-Mance)
514-846-8814 ext. 6462
Sponsored by
RECAA - Ressources ethnoculturelles contre l'abus envers les aînéEs
COPSI - Centre d’orientation paralégale et social pour les immigrants

Co-sponsored by
Atwater Library and Computer Centre's Digital Literacy Project
ACM - The Ageing Communications Media Research Network

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